Sunday, March 22, 2009

Lake Isabella in the Spring

Lake Isabella, in the southern end of the Sierras, considered "high desert," comes alive in the spring with an explosion of wildflowers and green.
Here, a sea of golden poppies.

To the east, an area called Chimney Peak hosts an abundance of historical and archeological features. Here, a giant granite boulder with Native American petroglyphs depicting a calendar, and graphics they used to teach about women's cycles, having babies, etc.

In the Keyesville area, a historic gold mining location, golden poppies and blue lupin blanket the ground in Spring.

Even the yucca plants (tall, with white flowers) are in bloom. Native Americans used to eat the flowers (pretty good, actually!), and used the sharp, rigid leaves as needle and thread.

This tenacious, bonsai-like digger-pine, growing out of a massive granite rock, offers a lesson in life - staking its claim, and thriving in the most adverse circumstances...

Looking out towards the lake from the site where I'll be building a home.

And at the end of the day, a warm sunset from the porch of my lake home. And so it goes. And so I go...


P.S - I think I've got it backwards. It's been "in like a lamb, out like a lion" this weekend. Woke up to a spirited, late-winter storm this morning, leaving a fresh coat of white on the mountains.

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